Congratulations on becoming a new pet owner - AniCura to launch kitten and puppy campaigns

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many European countries experienced a pet adoption surge, including many new first-time pet owners buying their first puppy or kitten – and discovering a gap in their pet care knowledge as a result. AniCura will launch campaigns to assist in the very important first steps one needs to take as a first-time pet owner.

As a leading provider of high-quality veterinary care, AniCura will launch a puppy and kitten campaign to help pet owners adapt to life with their first puppy or kitten. The campaign´s goal is to educate from an early stage and thereby improve the overall experience of sharing your life with a pet and increase the well-being of your new best friend.

- AniCura´s puppy and kitten campaigns will not only focus on pet care and well-being but also inform about how to better interact with pets, how to become a responsible pet owner and thereby create a better world for pets, says Jacques Bonin, Chief Medical Officer at AniCura.

Closing the pet care knowledge gap

The topics will vary over time but always be based on common inquiries to AniCuras veterinarians on how to handle the cat and dog's first weeks/months, a correct way of trimming claws, introducing it to another cat or dog, how to travel with your new pet and how to create a cat and dog-friendly home, etc.

The campaigns will also address common social problems, like the growing global issue of homeless cats and why it's recommended to neuter your cat, and also to register cats and dog on a database so that their owner can be found if they do stray. The same goes for the need for an ID tag or microchip.

- Many pets are unfortunately involved in accidents or other incidents. Often there is no microchip, or the microchip is not registered, and this makes it very difficult to find the pet owner or treat the pet. Unfortunately, this means that cats and dogs are sometimes unable to be reunited with their owners, says Jacques Bonin, Chief Medical Officer at AniCura.

Other essential topics that will be covered are deworming, vaccination, dental care, nutrition, and information on what is needed to make a better world for pets.

- By increasing knowledge, information, and interaction with new pet owners, AniCura hopes to make a difference in the pet’s overall health and outlook on life, concludes Jacques Bonin, Chief Medical Officer at AniCura.

For more information, please contact:

John O’Connor
Interim Director of Marketing & Corporate Affairs at AniCura

Niclas Strahner
Group External Communications at AniCura


About AniCura:
AniCura is a family of animal hospitals and clinics specialised in veterinary care for companion animals. Born out of the idea that sharing resources creates opportunities for better veterinary care, the company was established in 2011 as the first merger of companion animal hospitals in the Nordic region.

Today, AniCura is a role model within specialised veterinary care and a valued partner for pet owners and referring veterinarians across Europe.

AniCura offers a wide range of high-quality medical services covering preventive and basic health care as well as advanced diagnostics, internal medicine, intensive care, surgery, and orthopaedics. AniCura also provides rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and dietary advice and offers selected pet food and care products.

AniCura provides modern, high-quality veterinary care for pets in over 475 European locations and creates peace of mind for pet owners through excellent access and patient safety. Every year, AniCura’s 12,000 passionate veterinary professionals attend to over 3 million companion animal patients. AniCura is a trusted training and referral body.

Since 2018, AniCura is part of Mars Veterinary Health, a family-owned company focused on veterinary care.

For information on how AniCura is working to shape the future of veterinary care, please visit our website

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